Knowledge Base Question - ID #5

My Directory is very large and GEFC Directoryâ„¢ 2.0 handles it fine, however my PC printer is not up to the task. How can I print a cost effective directory?

One of the reasons that this web site exists today is because of cost. Having professional photographers come in and photograph the entire church is expensive and a large task. It's easier to let folks get their own pictures taken when they want to and with the advent of scanners and digital cameras, more convenient and less expensive too! However, printing the directory on your own personal printer could be a lot more expensive than you think. The quality of alot of the Ink jet printers are pretty good, but those cartridges are expensive and don't last very long. If you have a large church of 200 or more families, it may be better to use a printing service. Kinkos has a great tool to use that can be used with most any Windowsâ„¢ application including GEFC Directoryâ„¢ 2.0 called The Kinkos File Prep Tool.

Kinkos file prep tool is a print driver that instead of it printing to a physical printer it prints to the screen in WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get.) format. This makes it nice for making sure your directory looks exactly they way you want it too before you print and waste a lot of paper and expensive ink! Once you like the results, you can either take the created file to Kinkos and let them do the printing for you on their high speed high quality printers or exit out of the Kinkos Prep tool program and select your desktop printer in the Print Window and print it on your slower desktop printer.

This free software converts documents to a format that ensures fonts, margins and graphics are printed right, just as they appear on screen.

Adobe Acrobat which also works with almost any Windowsâ„¢ application including GEFC Directoryâ„¢ 2.0 is another tool and great product, much superior and much more widely used than Kinkos File Prep tool. It's not free ($249 retail), but does have a free reader program (Adobe Acrobat Reader) that most all printing services can use to print your directory.

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